This will be the thread for the May book club. The title and top post will change once a book is decided on.
Please cast your vote(s) by April 15th. This will give everyone a couple weeks to acquire the book.
I’m pretty sure these books are “clean” and dont have any sexual violence, etc. but if anyone knows differently please let me know and I’ll pick another book for the poll
I just put the ebook on hold through the library! estimated time is 3 weeks, but I can be a fast reader, and sometimes things come in sooner than expected. I’ve read both Carry On and Fangirl (and I especially loved Fangirl), so I am excited for this. I went ahead and put a hold on Wayward Son too, but that has a longer wait time.
My library ebook came in Saturday, I dipped into it last night and finished it before 6am this morning. Oops. I honestly don’t know if I’d say I loved it or that it was great, but it was apparently exactly the sort of thing I wanted to read!
Expecting to still be waiting on my hold until about mid-month. At least I know I can catch up quickly, and since I’ve already read it I don’t have to shield myself from spoilers at all!
I apologize if it’s rude to pop into May’s thread to talk about June’s book, but only 9 people have voted so far and we’re at a tie. So if you haven’t voted yet, come on over and vote. June 2020 Book Club--The Vine Witch by Luanne G Smith