Let's talk about...the impending collapse of the ACA and you

Ok. I’m at basically square 1 when it comes to knowledge, so it will take quite a bit of research. But it’s NUMBERS research, and I can probably make GRAPHS, so it’s totally up my alley in terms of the kind of research.

If someone has already done research on this and would like to write it, I am not one to hoard ideas. Just let me know before I get ass-deep. That sounded more sexual than I meant it to. Oh well.


Start a thread and then glean it to write an article? :wink: Why not both!

Genius! This is why you are The Boss.

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I would read this! #assdeep


I live in ground zero of the stupidity. Texas ruins everything.

The pre-existing conditions and no lifetime limits parts of the law are extremely popular with voters. This just guaranteed that Medicare for all based ideas will pick up steam.


It sucks so hard. I’d have to go back to work and give up on daily hammock naps. Woe is me.

Although I do like California…

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Staying on my parent’s insurance let me go to grad school and still have access to my miracle drug, which has kept me in remission for 12 years. Grad school led to me getting into my dream career with increased earning. Luckily my fiancée is also the white collar type so we should be ok that if something were to happen to my job, I could be on his insurance. But so many things can happen and this would remove a huge safety net for me and us.


I would not be able to retire (not all that) early. If they don’t also gut Medicare, I’d be free at 62.

No. No no no no no. The whole reason I was feeling ok was because of ACA.

I guess I’ll just, I don’t know, cry in some corner.

Is it ok to swear over here? Because I want to swear. A lot.

I don’t even have any pre-existing conditions except a bunch of common allergies and childhood asthma, which I don’t think count (and a super fractured medical record anyway because I hate doctors and almost never go). And some vague symptoms which have never really been looked into. Now I don’t want to go for fear of being diagnosed with something. And I have no partner, so I can’t even go down that route.

I don’t want to go back to working for a corporation. :frowning:


All the swearing you want to do as long as it’s at the system and not at a forum member.

If I wasn’t on broadcast radio, every OMD show about American health care would be a string of explicatives.


Oh, I don’t want to swear at a forum member. But definitely fuck the American health care system. Or maybe the people that are making this happen. This… kind of ruins everything. Now… I don’t know what to do.

What is the saddest, most angsty emoji? I want that one.




Yup, that perfectly sums it up.

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Oddly if this does actually go ~poof~ it could mean Greyman and I have kids earlier because we’ll never be able to retire early anyway so there’s no point waiting to have kids until FIRE.


I’ve been thinking about this and running numbers for different scenarios. If CA is the one state that retains some form of universal coverage, it would make a lot more sense to move there and accept the higher cost of rent, than to have lower rent elsewhere but high premiums and unknown OOP costs.

I would want to still be in a city, but I can increase my rent allowance by $500 and find a room share in SD, LA, a bay area outlier, etc. I can cover that by either working 1-2 years more FT, cutting other expenses, or getting very sporadic low key work. But I can’t just increase my health care budget by that much and be safe. Catastrophic events or chronic illnesses could still bankrupt me.

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The ONLY reason why I finally sought help for my mental health issues was because doing so would no longer make me uninsurable, after the ACA. I have numerous friends who were uninsurable due to a depression or anxiety diagnosis on their records, and since I was still more or less functional, I didn’t want to take the risk (though if I had been not-functional I would’ve had no choice and I acknowledge my privilege here in that I didn’t already have a chronic illness on my record and had the option of going untreated).

I was naive. I didn’t think this would get taken away. Now it’s on my Permanent Record and if pre-existing conditions come back, I will be uninsurable. That fucking SUCKS. I was trying to do something proactive for my well-being and it may come back and bite me if this goes away.

Honestly, though, I’m more afraid of the lifetime cap going away. A family friend got caught in that; he died with hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical debt because brain cancer will get you up to that lifetime limit pretty damned quickly. :confused: