Smart! I think I will shoot her a text then. Better safe than sorry. Doubles as confirming it’s still her cell phone #!
Update: yesterday’s interviews went well enough that they’re scheduling me for a “final final” round which is a half hour call with an exec! I also found out that the role has no on-call responsibilities which is a sweet sweet benefit. A lot of the places I’m looking at have some kind of 24/7 oncall shift which ranges from “every few months, you probably won’t get woken up” to “yeah, it’s every 3 weeks and you’ll lose a few nights of sleep”. Sleep is precious and I reeeeally don’t want to take a heavy oncall responsibility.
One 1-hr interview today and then I can go take a nap.
Here the standard is that a reference is an individual who has overseen your work, direct manager or not, so I’ve messaged mine.
I have not yet submitted my application. The past two nights I’ve had time, but I’ve avoided. Tonight I must get something done or maybe even submit!!
You’ve got this!
you did it!
Glad to see this thread! I’m my household’s breadwinner, trying to make a jump from government cyber security to private sector cyber security. It’s early days but no success in getting any interviews so far - it sounds like maybe I need a certification in the field to be competitive? I thought a relevant degree and several years of experience would be enough but maybe not…
My husband is finding something similar where to actually get a job in the adjacent field (despite having experience) he needs a bit of paper.
DH is in an adjacent field and doesn’t think you would need a certificate if you have relevant experience. That said, it couldn’t hurt other than the time and money you’d have to spend on the cert.
Time to find another thing to apply for so my hopes aren’t dashed if I don’t hear back from Poetry Job. It’s likely to be very competitive.
Okay SO I posted about this on my journal too. I got my first job offer!!!
Feeling very excited and relieved. Things are happening!
Heck yes!! Congrats!!
I’ve found a Librarian job at the University DH works for. I applied for one of these way back in…checks calendar…March 2020 before I had my MLIS. I am still worried my lack of direct library experience (no internships happened during my degree because of uh…COVID) will filter my applications out. But I’m working full time and I have a 1yo and don’t really see another way of going about this. I have transferable experience, and I have the required degree. So
Also how crazy am I for looking at jobs with a floor of $75k when I currently make about $100k without considering benefits??? It’s so hard to factor in quality of life.
Hooray for throwing your hat in the ring!
Not crazy! Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward on the path you want
At one point I took a drop from 135 to 100 to cut my commute time, vastly improving my mental health and my relationship.
My current role was a paycut and I got a huge quality of life improvement. Totally worth it!
My commute is 1:15 right now. Cry