…mine is to learn how to use predictive text
My new year’s resolution is to be a good idea.
My new year’s resolution is - not in the first few books
or adjusting it a bit,
My new year’s resolution is to - be a kind of the same
I guess I prefer the second one? Or maybe it’s not in the books because it’s not interesting? I’m good with avoiding the “may you live in interesting times” thing.
My new year’s resolution is to stop all the pollution.
Well…that’d be nice
My new year’s resolution is a little bit of a good time.
My New Year’s resolution is that the United Nations must take a stand on this matter.
Climate change was in there but not the center choice. Also, I have no influence over the UN.
Today I learned tiny hats for flutes are a thing I could get a sombrero! Or a rainbow octopus! Or…toilet paper?
Shit I do need a new planner!!