I’m delighted this hasn’t been fixed
You are the chosen ones.
Alas, I use discoursehub so it just shows up that way in my phone.
We’re just that awesome.
Yeah this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I hope it never ends. Like, I don’t usually laugh out loud and this is making me laugh-cry.
At risk of ruining the fun, I’ll see if I can remember how to uninstall (the easy bit) and reinstall (discourse then do something, I think?)
OMG i made Pumpkin jump from my laughing holy shit this is the best thing ever
Uninstalled, then opened OMD on chrome, then clicked the “install OMD on this device?” Link.
This is the best possible outcome. YES. Now shrink again. Yessssss.
Ponder said “did they get hacked?”
IDK but this is like breaking in and leaving fart cushions everywhere
This is my favorite saga.
I’m laughing so hard but WTF
I’m going to post this on the forums for discourse forum owners and see if anyone else has experienced this legend of WTF
It isn’t only OMD!
So the TL;DR is that this is only androids, but only certain androids, and only using chrome* (other browsers are not affected). The smart people are working on it and will deploy a bug fix. Until then, it’s a race to see whose icon gets the most microscopic.
*.It’s actually google’s fault - Google’s WebAPK generation service
OMg, this is the best twist to this thread.