Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

For the ones that don’t fit anymore but you absolutely love, they may be stretchable. A cobbler can do it, or you can buy a shoe stretcher & spray for about $20 and do it yourself.

I vote get rid of the damaged ones, unless they’re also repairable.


What about thinking of those special ones as art that has transitioned from being practical application to now purely aesthetic? Does looking at those shoes that can’t be worn for whatever reason make you happy? Bringing beauty into our lives has value too and should not be undercounted.


I was considering doing a series of clear cases, so they weren’t just piled blue boxes. Honestly looking at some of them makes me think of my knees not being what they were. Or how annoyed I am that I ripped the top layer of leather on the toe of my black heels.


I got permission to throw away the extra water bottle that has been sitting in the pantry. And then I put several glass jars in recycling (I wish there was a better solution available here, many of these are a consistent size which seems like they could have a bottle washing + new lids solution), and suddenly decluttering before packing up for renovation seems possible.

Next up is posting some salt & pepper shakers (from our wedding but not from the registry that already had s&p on it) on buy nothing.


I finally restocked the antique booth. It had been > 1 month, between cataloging books for auction, then power outage/COVID, since I last stocked the antique booth.

I took some “goodies” and put them in, under priced. Yes, I knew they were underpriced, but at this point I’m giving away MOST of my books, better to sell a few, even at 1/2 of what they’re supposedly “worth.”

Well, someone came through who knew their books! I sold enough to pay my rent, today, the day I stocked the books. That has NEVER happened before. Of course, I don’t normally put $200 books out for $100 with a dealer discount of $20, but at $200, it would sit there, and I want the stuff GONE!

Saturday: Returned the unsold toy cars to my consignor. Took doors from 1.5 cabinets and 1 cabinet to the dump. Forgot (Darn it!) the 2 ties and a muffler that needs to go into the clothing donation bin. But there’s less stuff in the attic, the cabinet we replaced last week is no longer in the living room, and you can SEE the floor of the van, which had been just the consigned cars…


Win: I got a large bag of expired medicines to the pharmacy for disposal today!

Problem: I have a gas heater I want to sell. What are the current best practices for selling on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree/ craigslist? Like payment options and how to hand over.


Took a small car load to Habitat for Humanity ReStore an hour before they closed!

They didn’t take my bed frame (neither did Savers thrift store, it’s a liability issue I guess?) but I got rid of a towel ring (never installed), a shower organizer, a closet organizer, and a bunch of locks (used and new mix). I then came home and threw away the bed frame and leaky aerobed because clearly no one wants these!

Enjoying the space in my house :grin:


Took some picture frames to donate that have been sitting in my laundry room for 2 months (had them on buy nothing that entire time), donated bean seeds to the local library for their seed library ( picked up some beet and lettuce seeds), used the 2 for one cat treat coupon that has been in my wallet for 6 months, and mailed FIL estate taxes in that I finished yesterday.

The library also takes back solar glasses so those are now waiting at the door to go.


The cart and large antique crock are in the van waiting for me to take them to the dump. Both would have sold at flea markets if I was still doing them, but I"m not. Crock has a crack in it; cart was starting to rust on the porch.

There’s a hole on the porch! :grin:


I decluttered a bunch of gardening supplies, mostly rose and azalea stuff. We haven’t had any roses or azaleas since we moved from Maryland…in 2016.


When I rearranged the pantry yesterday, I erased and tried to redo the chalk board. Realized the vintage colored chalk I had saved wasn’t working and got rid of it. Only white chalk now, cut the chalk collection down by about 1/2, eliminating a peanut butter jar in the pantry. The remaining chalk fits in the wall pocket where I’d stashed the current chalk & eraser in a baggie. I reclaimed a peanut butter jar’s worth of space!

I repacked the last of the bulk cat food into 1/2 gallon jars and they’ve been put away, next to the pet food bin, which eliminates a package and yields a “trash” bag.

Moving the spice drawers from the island makes a huge difference in the look/feel of the kitchen/dining room.

I donated unsold books (20+) after I pulled them and before I got home.

:smiley: It’s a dump day today! I have a stack of paperbacks to go. With a little work, I should be able to fill the potato bag and also come up with other odds/ends from here, the attic or the sheds to take. Maybe 2 trips?

We’ll see…


We have this gaming table in the basement. It is always covered with stuff. One of the stuff was a box containing a single appliance bulb, because they come in 2 packs but you generally only need 1.

It took about a month, but I finally made the connect:
-The light in the freezer has been out for like a couple of years
-An appliance bulb ws sitting in my basement

Now we have light in the freezer and no cluttering bulb


We took a metal strap bookcase and two wall cabinets which had been staged in the hallway to the storage. That enabled me to do my idea of wrapping the small bookcases around the corner and putting the storage bins (grass seed, path salt) against the wall, out of the way, but accessible.

It looks GREAT!

We took enough large pieces to the storage yesterday that we also cleared the area in front of the couch, so the living room/hall/entrance to the kitchen all feel much more open and tidy.


I got rid of 4 magazines. Working through the pile of about 30. Unfortunately i feel like i might miss something “important” if i just recycle them. Also have a pile of very second hand, old design books.


I tore up cardboard for the bin, and then took an old tyre & a monitor to the recycling centre! This is my second trip and it works perfectly with Pumpkin’s activity class, so I’ll bring another load of stuff each week. The clothing donation bins are there too so i might bring a couple bags of clothes next week!


What a good plan!


Its so nice I FINALLY decided the recycling centre wasn’t scary and was just, like, a place people would help me work out where things go. I was going to drop off a cot mattress but the kids turned the loungeroom into a soft play area so I guess that can stay a bit longer.


Mine is like that too. Drives me nutz!

Pulled the transfer chair, a portable vacuum cleaner with a really short cord/small capacity and 2 stacks of books from the attic.

Appraised a stack of collectible paperbacks and the sort is all ready to go. The books to the bookstore are in a box, the ones going to the antique store are still on my desk. The 3 which I deemed trash are in the paper recycling.

I forgot! We took 3 bags of clothes to a donation bin on the way home too.


Our old coffee table has been in the under stairs closet since March. There was a vague idea of putting it in a yard sale or something and then inertia set in. Tonight we hauled it to the curb for bulk pickup and it was gone in 4 hours to someone who apparently didn’t mind the scuffs and damage.

Yay for landfill avoidance


Tossed out 6 sport bras, 3 regular bras and 1 pair of old socks. You still can’t tell much has changed in the drawer. I was being ruthless.