Camping Trips!

Posting because I want to help, but too tired now


We are taking the soon to be 4 week old camping on Wednesday. Are we dumb or smart? Only the weather knows



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If itā€™s shit just go home.


OK, resurrecting this old thread about camping trips, I thought it was a new thread about ā€œcamping tripsā€.

Anyway, I hope you go and have a good time or at least not a disaster.


We are leaving tomorrow for trip 2 with the 2.5 year old! :crossed_fingers:


This appears to have been resurrected in timely fashion. I am hopeful (because we will have to cross international borders in a still-pandemic to do it) about camping for a week at music camp in August. With a 2 year old.

I have a new larger tent that is still in the box, a tarp that is too small for new tent, two twin air mattresses (one of which leaks and I canā€™t tell them apart), and about 7 weeks left to get in some practice runs. This is fine.


Tarp under tent is never a bad idea.


I have made one dent of progress in that I have ordered another sleeping bag. She will probably end up in mine, TBH, but maybe I have future years covered.


I talk a big game but havenā€™t been camping with either of our kids. The oldest is now 4 years.


Would anyone be interested in a gear rundown that weā€™re using?


Had the pandemic not interrupted, I would have tried going to music camp with a two month old. She did end up going virtually that year, as did we all. Last year the border was still shut, and I think that would have been the hardest year, age-wise (14 months). :grimacing:

Now she is a walking, talking, self-declared ā€œbig girlā€!


This trip will be safer, with extra people but we found 4-8 months easy, 16-18 months hard, but he ran less than we expected and weā€™re a bit scared about the big one this year since heā€™s testing limits hard. Weather seems like it could be rough with the newborn. On the really hot day with the baby the first year last time he was old enough for swimming and sunscreen.

Sleeping wise, so far weā€™ve opened the sleeping bags and slept that way. This year he might test drive his? We also have a cool pea pod tent he wants nothing to do with


15 minute drive from home for a reason! )that and so danish dad is okay letting his danish family sample camping)


Yes please.


We took our six week old camping 14 years ago. The positive thing is at that age, they stay wherever you put them.


Gear for an infant:

  • somewhere to put them down (ie playpen, stroller, car seat, we had a 1980s style click click swing. Probably only need 1-2 options)
  • more clothing than you think
  • bug net to go over the thing you put them down on
  • more diapers than you think
  • shoes, because socks never stay on and mosquitoes. Sleepers with feet.
  • my babies were both only-boob babies, so food and ways to get it warm was never a concern. YMMV if you do formula

If your infant is mobile:

  • large blanket to try to encourage them to stay on. Good luck


  • I suggest a double sleeping bag, for toddler plus parent
  • sandbox style toys. Trucks etc
  • lots of finger food. Lots of fruit / berries. This will also help with hydration
  • lifejacket

This one is odd, but I consider potato chips to be an essential item. If dehydration sets in for adults or kids, potato chips will replace electrolytes and will make you thirsty so you drink. You should have seen the look on my Scouts faces when I told them that their menu MUST include chips. Also, the look on their face at camp when I told them if they hadnā€™t had a handful of potato chips yet that they needed to.

**Editing to add - snugglie / sling / baby backpack etc. Especially if there is hiking planned, or you have both a toddler and an infant **


Double sleeping bag, you say? Does this work if parent and toddler have separate bedtimes? Or should I just assume parent and toddler will have the same bedtime and it probably wonā€™t be when either of them needs it?


Last trip we ended up with the same bedtime unfortunately. Iā€™m going to try again this trip but. Ugh.