Budget Challenge: No-Stress November (Nov 1 - Nov 30)

It’s just… I’m not certain if I even need all of that work done?
I guess I should start there. The dentist I’m seeing now seems more reasonable and less shamey.


That makes sense. Some dentists are sharks.


I’d guess it’s definitely worth looking through that list–just one anecdote, but after I got hit in the face (with a softball, ended up with a couple root canal+crowns and one implant for the tooth that was pretty solidly gone) I got a similar list of stuff that ‘had’ to be done. Some of it was reasonable, especially since I hadn’t exactly been proactive about finding a dentist in my new location after leaving school, some of it was definitely not. I’ve lived with my (apparently incredibly) crooked teeth this long, I’m not worrying about braces now. The non-impacted wisdom tooth that my high school dentist left alone that has never caused problems didn’t suddenly need to be removed. I’ve since found a new dentist that I trust much more, but some of them are defiintely happy to find problems to solve that were never actually problems in the first place


My list was also given to me after a somewhat traumatic necessary repair involving a really horrible oral surgery. I wonder if some dentists just hit you with that sort of thing when you’re already feeling vulnerable?

Anyway, since it is an unknown right now I can’t assign a number to it, so I think I am not going to include it this month. Or like the cat expenses, just track and not try and keep the cost down - because really, I can’t.


Some dentists are more likely to recommend the whole shebang than others. Most will work with you to do what is covered by insurance or what is absolutely necessary to save teeth, and spread out the rest. I’ve overheard the dentists where I go tell people they can do crown A now and crown B next year after insurance rolls over as long as the tooth is stable.

I’ve had a shitton of work done in the past three years after 10 years of no care and four cracked teeth due to clenching in my sleep. Most of what I pay is out of pocket since I have to go every three months, and the total hasn’t come anywhere near $28000. I’m glad you aren’t going to that place again!

I don’t include medical stuff in budget challenges because it’s never predictable visit by visit. I know I can only afford xxx per year without taking out of savings so I make sure to put enough aside for routine visits, my many prescriptions, and a set amount extra every month. At the end of the year I go back to see what I owed on average and adjust the monthly save amount upward if needed. I never adjust downward because that bucket will need to be emptied faster every few years so I just let the monthly amount add up over time.


Budget challenge weekend update:

Work hours are going well. I really wanted to knock off early yesterday because I’d made more than usual for the time I’d already worked, but I didn’t, so I made a bit more.

Not eating out…is not going as well. I’ve been dog-sitting (driving over to my parents’ house at least twice a day) and also made myself scarce from my apartment on Friday night and Saturday morning (Kid-4 had boyfriend over and didn’t need Mom hanging around). Plus one snack failure - apparently a banana only buys me about 20 minutes before my stomach growls again - and this part of the goal is a bust so far. But the month is young.


I am car free but I don’t live at a place as cold as you. For me everything is about time management; I have two kids (sometimes 3) and I work FT. So if the bus is late and I need to arrive home by dinnertime or if it’s raining and I have two kids, I automatically take a Uber. I value time spent with my family and sleeping higher than the taxis’ cost. From reading your journal I think you have cats so think of them waiting for you home.
I try as much as possible to limit it but I don’t feel bad if I have to. I take it for short distances. So if it’s raining for exemple I’ll take a Uber to the train station but not to my final destination. It cost less (arount €6 to €10 per ride). I did the calculation a while ago that as much as this is costing me, it’s cheaper than having a car; and the carbon footprint is lower so I’m always ahead.


Checking in:

Been traveling but I’m home now and can recap.

Groceries - haven’t bought any this month yet since H and I have both been away. Well, I did buy a couple bags of locally roasted coffee in Hometown so I guess I’m at $24

Other purchases - bought a coffee and something to eat on the drive to hometown. I used cash that I’d forgotten I had. Also had to buy a dog toy since I forgot to bring one home to keep little guy occupied and not interested in his incisions, so that was $5. Then I bought a coffee on my way home which was $5 I think. So all in for 4 days away is about $20 in other purchases.

Heat - had to turn it on today when I got home since it was 55*. But we’re going to try keeping it around 67* as long as bobbin does ok. H and I both prefer cold so we’re hoping she does too


Roth: there was an article in one of my news feeds. Roth conversion key considerations. I’ve read it once and will review it again. My situation is complicated because Spouse is still working and that doesn’t leave me a lot of space in our tax bracket. Using last year’s taxes, I have estimated I can convert about $3600 without jumping into the next tax bracket. The problem is that this doesn’t take any raise Spouse got into consideration. But at least I know a ballpark figure.

Health Insurance: I don’t have many options, and plan o stay in my HSA compliant plan (and I think there is only one option). The price looks to be approximately unchanged. But the devil is in the details, and I need to review those (like out-of-pocket max).

My goals don’t have great weekly check-in metrics that I have thought of. I would appreciate any suggestions on either goal or metrics. And if anyone wants any details, I can share.


Check-in #1 for 3 Nov:

  • Grocery spending $324.87 / $700
  • Takeaway and eating out $34 / 450

It’s not too late to join, right? I finally came up with a goal!

I want to manage my fun money so that I can and do buy all three rewards I’ve written down for myself for reaching word count goals (for NaNoWriMo), as well as at least one pair of the fuzzy socks my husband likes for his Christmas present. It’s OK if the 50k reward and the socks wait until December.

The rewards are $6 + shipping, $12 + shipping, and $21.50 (I believe). Not sure how much the socks are but they are available locally.

Week 1: I have not spent any money yet. Working toward that first word count goal! I did check a local store to see if they have my first reward, but unfortunately they don’t have the brand I need.


Not too late at all!
**Just so everyone knows, I’ve taken over the tracking of participation and achievement for this thread so @anomalily can focus on other things. I’ll mark off check-ins on weekends, so you have a complete week to track your goals. **
The first achievement badge will be awarded n a week. Go team no stress!


@Smacky @anomalily This just made me irrationally happy. A million high fives.

I’ve spent nothing yet this month…but also haven’t decided if I want to continue just tracking through the end of the year or if I want to reign in some categories.

I think for this week I’m going to commit to no convenience spending. This means no cafeteria spending which will be challenging as I’ve had a hard time prepping food for my long days (all meals at work).


Didn’t know if I should ask this here, but is everyone else getting emails from the forums? I’m not. I got a message saying my emails were un-deliverable but the email address is correct and I’ve always gotten emails before. I didn’t want to bother @anomalily though since she’s super busy this week.


I think it has to do with our mailgun API! I’ll investigate.


yes, @Smacky is my no-stress queen. Plz bow down before her for taking some of the badge duties off me! Thank you <3 <3 Also, she has admin privileges now so watch out. Don’t get smited.


Yeah, I’m obviously super scary. Mwu hu hu ha ha ha.


I estimated my budget for November on Friday. I allocated $300 for grocery spending this month. I took back the bag of un-opened Halloween candy and added the refund to this month’s grocery budget. This made me insanely happy, I can’t explain why.

I’ve been tracking food for three whole days now. Happily no symptoms to report. This is always when I want to stop because, hey, no problems here. Need to stay with it.

No spending these last few days. Shopping on Wednesday, meal planning on Tuesday.

No movement on 401k.

ETA I’ve not spent anything this month.


For the 2-day week, I spent no money on food, drinks, or clothes. I made a big batch of 3-bean chili and rice to bring to lunch this week, and tomorrow’s lunch is already packed.
I haven’t gone to the gym, yet.


First two sub-bullets are done. i has been updated, a recurring deposit has been found and paperwork in the mail today to get that updated. Depending on when that gets processed and when the deposit happens (usually it’s early in the month) I might have to put off closing A a little longer. I’m also waiting on the last transfer of money out of A to Vanguard to show up on both ends (Vanguard sees it but A still shows it as being with A), once that happens and if the deposit situation can be sorted out today then I might be able to call A this evening or tomorrow to get that closed.

Totally forgot about cancelling Pandora even though I was at home, I have the password written down at home and I don’t remember it and I refuse to reset the password to cancel my subscription.

I’ve glanced at my art project in the garage. Safe to say no progress there.