Baby gear: What do you really need?

incredibly gross details re sweat

I literally woke up in standing water on my mattress protector the first couple weeks. Within 10 days of birth I had lost 47lbs. I was peeing and sweating so much the nurses in the hospital had a hard time tracking my I&Os (not needed in normal patients so much but I was on a higher acuity unit). The joys of days of being pumped full of fluids and having preE lol. But yes. I was very sweaty. Use a towel to mop up puddles on my bed, change PJs 3 times per night level sweaty.


You win this round, BJ. But I’ll be BACK. Oh…I’ll be back


I will happily give up this title at any time :joy: but seriously why don’t people get warned more about the sweat??


I have a list of things like this lol. Sweat, vaginal dryness…


is taking notes

I’m definitely not planning on folding things, but rather doing baskets for tops/bottoms/sleepers/socks hats other tiny things.

The likelihood MY laundry is all folded at once and I’m wearing matching socks and a matching outfit is nearly zero and I basically expect I won’t do better for my kids in those regards, but I can make it easier on myself by at least having vaguely sorted baskets instead of a single pile floordrobe.


Sorry I derailed from your original question! What did you get from the carters sale?


No worries, I love the chatter and extra advice!

Here’s a screenshot of my order:

The overalls and the blue and yellow bodysuits were admittedly not in my usual price per item budget, but along with everything else it came out to about $2 a piece? I typically find that the secondhand place bottoms out at 2.50 per item, unless they are having their crazy 90% off clearance sales.

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I honestly have had a horrible time buying second hand. The price versus quality just isn’t there around here, unless you’re the sort to buy high end brands otherwise. When target has sales stuff is the same price or cheaper as I can find at the thrift shops around here and I get more life out of it :cry: I feel so conflicted re sustainability but like. Why would I spend $3 on crusty pants with the stretch wearing out when I could pay $2 a pair for target pants??


I’m pretty happy so far with a lot of the quality of secondhand, both from Once Upon a Child and Buy Nothing. Part of that may be I don’t know what to look for, but also I live within a large group that has some pretty affluent areas in it. Lots of “bought this and never used it lol.” I got a barely used ergobaby omni 360 the other day for free. Someone got gifted an UPPAbaby (I forget Cruz or Vista) several months ago!

I expect I’ll get a lot from family and don’t need to buy anything, realistically, unless it’s something I don’t want to advertise that I want. Like nipple cream or postpartum stuff for my vag, idk.

Based on sibling declarations and my husband being an only child, we’ll be the only ones through which our parents will have grandchildren. They’ll be the first and possibly only great-grandchildren for four pairs of great-grandparents (three of those are on my side - my grandparents are divorced and remarried and GM has one widower remarried living grandparent). I think if we have something on our registry, we’ll probably get it. But I’d like to be sustainable and re-use things that have life left in them where practical.

I guess I can take comfort in that if I can keep some things in good condition, I can gift those so the things I do get new to someone else to use, or reuse them myself if we don’t stop at one.


Seriously. Like 6 months post-partum I had another round of terrible stinky sweats. It was so gross. My mom even mentioned that, y’know, maybe you should take a shower? literally like 3 hours after I’d just done that. Ew.


Ravi’s the first for all four grandparents and we’re having to keep our parents from buying things we don’t need. I think you’re gonna be set!


Oh no. There’s MORE?


My free stuff/gifted to me haul thus far, having only told immediate family and best friends:


My Amazon freebie box

Gifted from a friend, with the exception of the where the wild things are shirt and matchingish pants I snagged from crazy sale for 65 cents, which is the amount I was able to fish out of my purse

Gifted from mom

Gifted from MIL

Continuing on next post because too many pictures


I used a hanging shoe organizer for the first couple months of baby clothes and it worked great! You can see it in this picture from when Pipsqueak was just a few weeks old.

In our new house, we use small fabric bins for pants, shorts, and socks. Tshirts are finally big enough to hang up and that makes it easier for my toddler to pick her own shirt. Pj’s end up thrown on their own shelf without a basket for some reason.

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Buy Nothing haul

Eta we don’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl, but it seems regardless they will be wearing adorable animals and pastels along with primary colors and dinosaurs.


Oh this is brilliant, I may steal this idea.

I’ve gotten MUCH better quality from buy nothing hauls than I can get relative to the price at the used stores around here. Most of her stuff is used, but it’s hand me downs and BNP specifically, the only used from stores items have been fancy special things I wanted :sweat_smile: like magnetic sleepers- those are so amazing and so expensive haha


Um brb putting these on my registry.


I’ve also found that it is much easier and cheaper to give things away on buy nothing instead of “selling” to the resale shop! Once upon a child is further away than my normal driving radius and they give you literally like $.05 per item. It is not worth the drive. I give everything away on buy nothing instead. I have found it useful to sell bigger items like the toddler bed, play area fence, etc to once upon a child and then get shoes and coats for the girls from the proceeds.


This only happened with my second so maybe not! Have hope :relaxed: