21 in 2021 Challenge: Save 21% of your income in 2021

Badge granted!!!

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I am moving over to the 21k challenge because I am at 51% of income saved for the year so far with $19,702.


So haven’t been tracking this all year so let’s see how I’m doing…

Year to date pretax income
Old job $33,673.25
Tiny side job $1,239.53
New job $11,446.13
Total $46,358.91 + negligible savings account interest that I’m too lazy to look up right now

Year to date savings
Credit card debt payments $2,053.05 - completely paid off as of 6/21 - completely debt free except for student loans and we will not speak of those
Easily accessible emergency fund $1500
Less accessible emergency fund $5924.91
Roth IRA $1850
410k $1475.35 not including match
Total $12,803.31

YTD savings rate
27.62% woo!


I never officially joined this challenge, but it is literally impossible for me to fail at saving 21% at this point unless I literally worked more than 40 hours a week by quite a significant amount (not going to happen) and didn’t save any of it at all. And it’s quite unlikely (though not 100% impossible?) that I reach 21k by the end of the year at this point just via cash flow.


HSA: $2,904
IRA: $6,000
mortgage principal: $3,330
Roth 401(k): $2,151
CapitalOne360: $500

Total: $14,885

Currently savings are at 28% of gross income to date, 27% of my originally estimated income for this year ($55k). I will probably end the year somewhere between $55-60k.

ETA: I think it might be worth it to add as well, when I started working again I didn’t actually intend (initially) to save anything. Like, at all. I intended to make enough to pay the bills. (Also, I didn’t start until a few weeks into January, and the first few weeks were a bit slow, work-wise.) But when I started making more than that my goal quickly flew out that window and my anxiety brain kicked in and said I must save all the money. There’s… probably a happy middle ground somewhere. She says, as she plots how to shove money into her after-tax investment account.


Omg omg omg y’all! With what I’ve saved this month so far, not even including this month’s 401k or IRA contributions, I’ve saved $21,463.60 this year not including company 410k match.

Ahhhhhhhhh! This is mind blowing. I just keep expecting that I will have no money left to save each month. Even though I know I don’t really buy very many things except snacks and the occasional video game, book, or skin care thing, I just expect it to all be gone.

Ack wrong thread! Sorry everybody


I forgot to post here at the end of Nov:


HSA: $3,226
IRA: $6,000
mortgage principal: $4,002
Roth 401(k): $2,592
CapitalOne360: $550

Total: $16,371

Savings as of Nov 30 were at 29% of gross income to that date. I’ll have to wait until the first week in January to see the actual total for 2021.

(I am thinking about this now as I am trying to calculate available space/flexibility for next year and it is stressing me out.)


:rotating_light:Reminder! Please fill in this form and you will have your glorious sticker mailed if you haven’t already.

If you’re up for participating for 2022, here it is: 22 in 2022 Challenge: Save 22% of your income in 2022

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Well, I stopped putting the monthly numbers here sometime around, IDK August or so (?), but just did the end of year numbers and I made it on both easy mode and hard mode!

2021 Income Total: $71,359 (hard mode number, including refund from 2020 taxes)
2021 Savings Total: $18,749
2021 Savings Percent: 26%

On to the 22% challenge! Could be just feasible with the 2021 tax refund, but will see.


YTD for December:

HSA: $3,548 (+$161 +$161)
IRA: $6,000 (+$0, done for the year)
mortgage principal: $4,376 (+$374 +$300)
Roth 401(k): $3,096 (+$237 +$267)
401(k): $460 (+$460) ← employer match (done quarterly)
CapitalOne360: $600 (+$50)

Total: $18,080 (+$1,709)

Savings on Dec 31 were 27% of gross, so, success!